Carlingford Weather

16/10/24 09:40:00

Outside Temperature 17.6°C
App. Temperature 17.3°C (Cool)
Dewpoint 9.0°C
Humidity 57%
Barometer 1022.2 hPa
Barometer Trend (3 hours) -0.0 hPa
Wind 0 km/h from 188° (S)
Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Inside Temperature 17.8°C
High Temperature 17.7°C at 09:40:00
Low Temperature 13.1°C at 06:39:46
High App. Temp. 17.7°C (Cool) at 09:13:23
Low App. Temp. 13.5°C (Cool) at 06:32:52
High Humidity 89% at 06:45:16
Low Humidity 56% at 09:37:04
High Dewpoint 11.6°C at 07:02:46
Low Dewpoint 8.7°C at 09:37:01
High Barometer 1024.3 hPa at 00:21:10
Low Barometer 1021.9 hPa at 04:16:09
Today's Rain 0.0 mm
High Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr at 00:00:03
High Wind 5 km/h from 37° (NE) at 00:37:10
Average Wind 0 km/h
RMS Wind 0 km/h
Vector Average Speed 0 km/h
Vector Average Direction 120° (ESE)
High Inside Temperature 18.2°C at 00:14:28
Low Inside Temperature 17.2°C at 08:00:18
Forecast for Parramatta
Updated at 09:26AM EDT on Wed 16 Oct 2024
Forecast for the rest of Wednesday
Partly cloudy.
Max 20
Thursday 17 Oct
Mostly sunny.
Min 11 Max 25
Friday 18 Oct
Min 16 Max 26
Saturday 19 Oct
Mostly sunny.
Min 18 Max 27
Sunday 20 Oct
Partly cloudy.
Min 15 Max 24
Monday 21 Oct
Partly cloudy.
Min 15 Max 20
Tuesday 22 Oct
Partly cloudy.
Min 13 Max 23
Full Forecast
The next routine forecast will be issue at 03:50PM EDT Wednesday
Weather Warnings for New South Wales / Australian Capital Territory. Issued by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Current Warnings
16/04:39 EDT Warning to Sheep Graziers for Central Tablelands, Southern Tablelands, Central West Slopes & Plains, South West Slopes, Riverina and Snowy Mountains forecast districts

Click on the image above for full near real time and archive lightning information.

Lightning data provided by Blitzortung network with contributions from Carlingford Weather

Click on the image above for the Webcam page


Click on the image above for the Webcam page

BOM observatons for Sydney Olympic Park
Issued at 9:31 am EDT Wednesday 16 October 2024
Current Temperature 17.9 °C
Apparent Temperature 16.7 °C (Cool)
Relative Humidity 58 %
Wind 6 km/h from WSW
Rain since 9am 0.0 mm


Carlingford, NSW, Australia
33° 46.30' S
151° 02.22' E
114 meters

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